:: Saturday, November 15, 2003 ::
Is It Krystalnacht Yet?
David Neiwert point out how the right-wing is encouraging violence against liberals, among stepping up their other protofascist activities.
As Buzzflash recently observed, talk like this is part of an increasing trend in conservative rhetoric: Pat Robertson wishing to "nuke" the State Department, Bill O'Reilly saying Peter Arnett should be shot, Coulter wishing Tim McVeigh had set off his bomb at the New York Times Building, John Derbyshire wishing for Chelsea Clinton's demise. Unsurprisingly, the same kind of talk is now heard on the "street" level, and it often pops up on talk radio. As we learned in Oklahoma City, eventually this kind of "hot talk" translates into all-too-real tragedy.
What is becoming increasingly clear is that conservatives are less and less inclined to rely on "intellectual" or political exchanges, and are turning more to an eliminationist strategy that seeks to demonize liberals and make them social outcasts -- and concomitantly, acceptable targets for violence because of the "damage" they cause the nation through their ostensible treason.
I'm not as alarmed as David is about this, but then again, he's the liberal blogosphere's resident exprert on the extremist right and I just go to college.
:: The Squire 6:00 AM :: email this post :: ::