:: Saturday, January 31, 2004 ::
He's Been Lax In His Duties
I made my Eagle back in August of 2002. On all previous Eagle Scout cards and Certificates had the current President of the United States of America's signature on them. I got mine back, and G.W.Bush's John Hancock wasn't on it. Also, it is traditional for someone in the new Eagle's troop to notify VIPs of the new Eagle's status. The White House, of course, was notified, but didn't send me the traditional letter. Apparently, from what I've heard, no Eagle has gotten a letter from the White House correspondance office since September 11th. I mean, it's not like Eagle Scouts are devious people whose opinions must be shielded from the President. We're bloody EAGLE SCOUTS. It does the President no good to piss off potential constituants by not following through on his duities.
I'm still waiting for my letter, Mr. President.
:: The Squire 4:03 AM :: email this post :: ::