:: Friday, January 23, 2004 ::
Krugman Doing What Krugman Does Best
Giving known issues a higher profile.
Fortune magazine rightly declared paperless voting the worst technology of 2003, but it's not just a bad technology ? it's a threat to the republic.
First of all, the technology has simply failed in several recent elections. In a special election in Broward County, Fla., 134 voters were disenfranchised because the electronic voting machines showed no votes, and there was no way to determine those voters' intent. (The election was decided by only 12 votes.) In Fairfax County, Va., electronic machines crashed repeatedly and balked at registering votes. In the 2002 primary, machines in several Florida districts reported no votes for governor.
I've been raving about this one for a while - electronic voting machines have to have paper receipts for recounting purposes, else there can be no confidence in them.
:: The Squire 12:42 AM :: email this post :: ::