:: Monday, May 10, 2004 ::
For Future Reference
If you want to disparage nearly any language, look no further than here.
Y'all should know the drill by now, so it should come as no suprise that I have favorites.
Classical Latin is essentially Liturgical Latin with correct pronunciation. --Dan Seriff
Church Latin is essentially reverse-engineered Italian. --Justin Mansfield
Canadian French is essentially bad English as spoken by a Belgian with an inferiority complex. --Ivan C. Amaya
All Romance languages are essentially the same. Except French. --Andreas Johansson
Spanish is essentially Italian spoken by Arabs. --Benct Philip Jonsson
Polish is essentially Russian spoken by a Frenchman. --Daniel von Brighoff
Polish is essentially a light form of Russian that even Germans can master. --Jay Bowks
Polish is essentially any other Slavic language with 70% of its consonants randomly shuffled. --Basilius
Irish is essentially an Indo-European language cunningly disguised as gibberish to perplex the English. --And Rosta
Of course, English by no means escapes such treatment.
English is essentially bad Dutch with outrageously pronounced French and Latin vocabulary. --Eugene Holman
English is essentially a language that uses vowels no other language would accept. --Luís Henrique
Australian English is essentially Cockney without the refinement. --Öjevind Lång
American English is essentially English after having been wiped off with a dirty sponge. --J.R.R. Tolkien
American English is essentially a tool to keep a person from ever being able to speak another language. --jmallet
The Queen's English is essentially Modern Anglo-Saxon as passed on by generation after generation of stiff necked Norman nobles with their noses in the air. --ilvi
English is essentially Low German plus even lower French minus any sense of culture. --Danny Weir
Yankee is essentially 18th Century English as altered by the impure thoughts of Puritans with cabin fever. --Jay Bowks
English is what you get from Normans trying to pick up Saxon girls. --Bryan Maloney
English is essentially a whore. --Lars Hendrik Mathiesen
English is essentially a West Germanic language that's trying very hard to look like a Romance one. --Andreas Johansson
English is essentially language's equivalent to a transvestite. --Andreas Johansson
Midwestern US English is essentially New England English with their sinuses filled with ice. --Andrew Johnson
English is essentially a language that doesn't care where syllable boundaries are. --Peter Bleackley
Inglish iz issenshali a langwidje dhat, wen rittun fonetkli, iz ilejibul tu netiv spikerz. --Peter Bleackley
English is essentially the language of people who think that everybody else speaks their language. French is essentially the language of people who think that everybody else should speak theirs. --Peter Bleackley
There are tons more "essentially" quotes pertaining to languages I know nothing about and therefore I don't find the quotes funny.
If you'd believe it, I found this site using a search for Animaniacs and Conjugation. This happens to have what I was looking for, though.
:: The Squire 5:12 AM :: email this post :: ::