:: Monday, September 20, 2004 ::
Blogging Style I Hate
today i was bored...hit the next blog button up top...saw some blogs...most were bad...pretty butterfly...ppl can't write worth shit...never use any punctuation except elipsis...never even heard of a hyperlink...seem to think not capitalizing makes them look smart...ee cummings you're not, moron!...AlT cApS aRe EvEn WoRsE...LaMeRs...never 4get 2 use txting abbr though...like they can't take the time 2 form a full sentence...let alone type out full words...random emoticon...>:-{...bouncy bouncy bouncy...and they just go on...and on...and on...talk about boring stuff...seem to think that i care about their day...nothing imporatant happens though...unimportant crap...creamy creamy cheesy cheesy...no profound thought...just stream of consciousness...cept stream of empty thoughts worse than no thought at all...not even funny...not remotely...ever...period at the end...like a single coherent thought has been completed...not!...hit publish.
Aren't you dumber for that? This is why I would like all profound people to use blogspot or get their own URLs and run Movable Type or Drupal, while all the online diarists can go to opendiary or livejournal or xanga or wherever the hell else they want, just so long as they don't pretend to be bloggers with things to say and link to.
ADDITIONAL RANT: By the way, I don't care what you're listening to. Either I've heard of it, in which case I don't care, or I haven't heard of it, in which case I don't care. And don't even think about putting said music on your site so that I have to listen to it every time it loads - I hated when people did that with MIDIs, I hate it now when they do it with MP3s. Just 'cos you can put music on your site doesn't mean you should force everyone else to listen to it who happens to read your pointless ramblings. If I want to listen to it, fine, I'll click the bloody link and hear it. If not, it's an invasion of my space to have your stupid site play music without warning or permission. The world wide web is a visual medium. Keep it that way.
Oh, unless you're going to give me a witty remark or a paragraph's explaination on how you're feeling, I don't need to know what mood you're in either. If you're that unskilled of a writer that you can't make your readers understand your emotions, you obviously have nothing to say that I or any intelligent individual would want to read.
:: The Squire 1:19 AM :: email this post :: ::