:: Thursday, September 30, 2004 ::
It Wasn't "Deer In The Headlights" But...
Dubya of the dyed hair still did pretty badly. My favorite bit was how Dubya'd make a big to-do about wanting an extension, and then would spend the first five seconds of that extension in utter silence. This, after he would get done with his points in the normal question response time and have a full minute of inane babble.
At the college dems debate-watching party we had two tallies going for Dubya: we counted up his lies and his gaffes. It soon became aparent, though, that we needed a third column for "What The Fuck?" It seemed like some of his responses went here, there, and everywhere. Oh, and we needed a column for Poland. One can't forget Poland!
The college dems watched the debate on C-SPAN which presented the debate in split-screen format - both candidates were on TV for the whole hour and a half, with no flunky tv producer deciding which shots of the non-responding candidate would be shown. I liked this format, but that's just me. Also, with the two side-by-side, it was easier to see that Kerry's the taller candidate, though there were a number of visual tricks that were used to make the two appear the same size. Bonus points if you can name all the ones I spotted. Extra points goes to anyone who spotted more than I did. The only reason I note this is 'cos I remember from taking America Since 1945 in high skool that since the age of the televized debate the taller candidate has won.
Flipping channels while watching the immediate post-debate coverage we came across some numbers which had over 50% of undecided voters viewing Kerry more favorably after the debate. If that holds, it may mean the difference in a bunch of swing states.
That's it for now. It'll be interesting to see how the spin plays out in the next few days, as well as how the resulting poll changes will impact the Electoral College map.
:: The Squire 11:08 PM :: email this post :: ::