:: Sunday, March 20, 2005 ::
New Comments Policy
Not that anyone's done something wrong, but upon finding out that the autodisemvoweller (and the entire site it was hosted on) has been taken down, I've been forced to come up with a new comments policy.
While I've not had a problem with this, yet, it has been my unused policy that anyone who was negatively diruptive in the comments sections would have their contributions disemvowelled. Since I'm too lazy to go through an one-thousand character post and manually disemvowel it, I relied on the ability to have a web-based algorithm to do it for me. With the autodisemvoweller's apparent demise, it looks like I'll have to, at least temporarily, switch to using the dialectizer. Depending on the severity of the infraction, trolls and bottom feeders will be subject to being dialectized into Elmer Fudd, Moron, Pig Latin, and Swedish Chef. Chronic abusers will have their IP banned.
:: The Squire 9:55 PM :: email this post :: ::